Our Committees
This is the CCLVi Committees page. You will find the names of the Committees, the Chairs’ names and their contact information, committee members’ names, and the monthly meeting details. Please reach out to us with your interests or concerns.
Committee Open House Zoom Calls
These were recorded as weekly CCLVI Open Houses on Zoom about all of our committees in September through October, 2021.
To keep informed of our varied topics and discussions of our weekly Zoom events, signup for our CCLVI-Chat list. To join the list, please send an email to CCLVI-Chat+subscribe@acblists.org or to our Webmaster at CCLVIWebmaster@gmail.com
CCLVI Committees

- Advocacy
- Chair: Cassie Trosper
- Meetings: TBA
- Awards
- Chair: Zelda Gebhard
- Meetings: TBA
- Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions
- Chair: Paul Lewis
- Meetings: Fourth Sunday of the month, 7:00 PM Eastern
- Convention Planning
- Chair: Dianna Leonard
- Meetings: Fourth Tuesday of the month, 7:00 PM Eastern
- Credentials
- Chair, Zelda Gebhard, CCLVIMembership@gmail.com
- Meetings: TBA
- e-Communications
- Chair: Joyce Feinberg CCLVIWebmaster@gmail.com
- Meetings: First Wednesday of the month, 8:00 PM Eastern
- Subcommittees
- Listservs/Groups.io/Constant Contact – Joyce Feinberg, Kathy King, Charles Cronin, Samantha Hubbard
- Social Media: Samantha Hubbard
- Podcasts: Kathy King, Kathy Farina, Joyce Feinberg
- Let’s Talk Low Vision Team: Terry Pacheco, Christine Chaikin and Tom Frank (Public Relations)
- Vision Access Melanie Alt Sinohui, Christine Chaikin
- CCLVI Zoom Team: Terry Pacheco, zoomcoordinator@cclvi.org
- Facilitators: Tom Frank, Penny Valdovinos, Kathy Farina, Tom Lealos, Patti Cox, Kathy King, Kathy Farina, Terry Pacheco, Melanie Alt Sinohui, and more.
- Hosts: Terry Pacheco, Penny Valdovinos, Allison Smitherman, Kathy Farina, Donna Pomerantz, Zelda Gebhard, Patti Cox, and more
- Finance & Budget
- Chair: Debbie Persons debper40214@gmail.com
- Meetings: Second Sunday of the month, 8:00 PM Eastern
- Fundraising
- Chair: Kathy Farina
- Meetings: Third Sunday of the month, 7:00 PM Eastern
- Genensky-Foley Award
- Chair: Donna Williams
- Meetings: First Tuesday of the month, 8:00 PM Eastern
- Membership
- Chair: Zelda Gebhard Zelda.Gebhard@cclvi.org
- Meetings: Second Wednesday of the month, 8:00 PM Eastern
- Publications
- Chair: Melanie Alt Sinohui, VisionAccess@cclvi.org
- Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of the month, 7:00 PM Eastern
- Public Relations
- Chair: Tom Frank
- Meetings: Third Monday of the month, 9:30 PM Eastern
- Scheigert Scholarship
- Chair: Charles Cronin
- Meetings: Third Wednesday, 7:30 PM Eastern
CCLVI Podcasts & On-Demand Audio Content
Let’s Talk Low Vision
- Our monthly low vision resources and support series, is recorded on a live Zoom call and then made available via podcast, our website, telephone, and more.
- Webpage: Let’s Talk Low Vision page
- Listen Now: Link to Episode Archive
- Facilitator/host, Dr. Bill Takeshita
- Planning Team: Dr. Bill Takeshita, Terry Pacheco, Christine Chaikin and Tom Frank (Public Relations)
- Production, CCLVI Podcast Subcommittee of the eCommunications Committee
Vision Access (VA is CCLVI’s newsletter)
- Visit the Vision Access page
- Produced by our Publications Committee
- Chair, Melanie Alt Sinohui CCLVIVisionAccess@gmail.com
- Podcast Production: Podcast Subcommittee of eCommunications
Special Topics Zoom Call Recordings
Click this link to visit and enjoy our growing library of discussions on special topics that we have recorded on our Zoom calls. We lightly edit them and then posted to our website. They range from technology topics to strategies for living with low vision. https://cclvi.info/media-podcasts/special-recordings/