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Friend of CCLVI Award

Awarded to an individual, organization, group, or company who has been supportive of our organization, members or programs. The Friend of CCLVI Award provides an opportunity to encourage further development of connections and increase awareness of the low vision community by acknowledgement of the efforts of those who support our organization’s mission and purposes.

Our Awards page has details about CCLVI Awards Committee. Click this link to visot the Awards webpage.

More details  about The Friend of CCLVI Award will be posted soon.


Support this Award!

Help CCLVI recognize those individuals and organizations who support, advocate, or serve individuals and our community of low vision! To support the funding of the Friend of CCLVI Award, click the “Donate” button below. (If you use a screen reader, the button will be read as “PayPal, the safer, easier way to pay online.”) The next screen will display CCLVI’s name, specify donation, and this Award.

After clicking the appropriate “Donate” button, please complete and submit the form on the PayPal site. We greatly appreciate your gift.





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